2021年8月29日 (日) 21:31的版本
import random def find(sup, *subs): for sub in subs: if sup.find(sub) != -1: return True return False def chance(prob): return random.random() < prob def liufengReply(post): if find(post, "lq", "猎奇", "文游"): pass elif find(post, "新人", "萌新") and find(post, "报道", "报到"): return "欢迎…新人" + random.choice([ "记得", "要", "请" ]) + "看吧规哦…" else: reply = None if find(post, "流枫"): if find(post, "流枫是") and find(post, "呢", "吗", "?", "?"): if not find(post, "机器人", "全自动", "AI") and chance(0.4): reply = "不是" else: reply = "是" if chance(0.5): reply += "的" if chance(0.5): reply += "呢" elif find(post, "好怪", "怪哦", "怪噢", "怪喔", "对胃口"): reply = "还好吧" elif find(post, "什么", "为啥", "怎么做", "呢?", "吗") and chance(0.6): reply = "不知道呢" if find(post, "做女生", "做女孩子", "当女孩子") and chance(0.2): reply += "…不是女孩子" elif find(post, "有没有"): reply = "没有" if chance(0.5): reply += "呢" if reply: if len(reply) > 2 and chance(0.5): reply = "唔…" + reply if find(reply, "…") and chance(0.3): reply += "#(小乖)" else: reply += "…" return reply try: while True: print("< %s" % liufengReply(input("> "))) print() except EOFError: pass