#include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<sys/time.h> #include<sys/resource.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <ctype.h> char getStatForPid(int pid) { #define MAX_FILE_LEN (256) #define READ_BYTE (256) char filePath[MAX_FILE_LEN] = {0}; sprintf(filePath, "/proc/%d/stat", pid); int fd = open(filePath, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { LOGE("vivo_daemon, Unable to open process file: %s\n", filePath); return 'E'; } char buffer[READ_BYTE]; const int len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); close(fd); if (len < 0) { LOGE("vivo_daemon, Unable to open process file: %s fd=%d\n", filePath, fd); return 'E'; } buffer[len] = 0; //buffer:304 (system_server) S 126 126 0 0 -1 4194624 ... //LOGD("vivo_daemon, buffer:%s", buffer); //now to parse out pidstat int spaceNum = 0; char pidStat = 'E'; for(int i = 0; i < READ_BYTE; i++) { if(' ' == buffer[i]) { spaceNum++; if(2 == spaceNum) { pidStat = buffer[i+1]; break; } else if(2 < spaceNum) { break; } } } //LOGD("vivo_daemon, pidStat:%c", pidStat); return pidStat; }
原理非常简单,就是读取 /proc/[pid]/stat文件,然后从中解析出进程的状态。