stagefright and OMXIL plugin porting
1. Create libstagefrighthw project in AOSP/hardware/<company>/media/chagall/libstagefrighthw/
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ ChagallOMXPlugin.cpp LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(PV_CFLAGS_MINUS_VISIBILITY) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES:= \ $(TOP)/frameworks/native/include/media/openmax \ $(TOP)/frameworks/native/include/media/hardware \ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \ libbinder \ libutils \ libcutils \ libui \ libdl \ liblog LOCAL_MODULE := libstagefrighthw LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
#include <utils/Log.h> #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "ChagallOMXPlugin" #include <dlfcn.h> #include <HardwareAPI.h> namespace android { extern OMXPluginBase *createOMXPlugin() { return new ChagallOMXPlugin; } extern void destroyOMXPlugin(OMXPluginBase *plugin) { delete plugin; } ChagallOMXPlugin::ChagallOMXPlugin() : mLibHandle(dlopen("", RTLD_NOW)), mInit(NULL), mDeinit(NULL), mComponentNameEnum(NULL), mGetHandle(NULL), mFreeHandle(NULL), mGetRolesOfComponentHandle(NULL) { if (mLibHandle != NULL) { mInit = (InitFunc)dlsym(mLibHandle, "OMX_Init"); mDeinit = (DeinitFunc)dlsym(mLibHandle, "OMX_DeInit"); mComponentNameEnum = (ComponentNameEnumFunc)dlsym(mLibHandle, "OMX_ComponentNameEnum"); mGetHandle = (GetHandleFunc)dlsym(mLibHandle, "OMX_GetHandle"); mFreeHandle = (FreeHandleFunc)dlsym(mLibHandle, "OMX_FreeHandle"); mGetRolesOfComponentHandle = (GetRolesOfComponentFunc)dlsym( mLibHandle, "OMX_GetRolesOfComponent"); (*mInit)(); } else ALOGE("Failed to load %s", LIBOMXCORE); } ChagallOMXPlugin::~ChagallOMXPlugin() { if (mLibHandle != NULL) { (*mDeinit)(); dlclose(mLibHandle); mLibHandle = NULL; } } OMX_ERRORTYPE ChagallOMXPlugin::makeComponentInstance( const char *name, const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE *callbacks, OMX_PTR appData, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE **component) { if (mLibHandle == NULL) { ALOGE("makeComponentInstance: mLibHandle = NULL"); return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return (*mGetHandle)( reinterpret_cast<OMX_HANDLETYPE *>(component), const_cast<char *>(name), appData, const_cast<OMX_CALLBACKTYPE *>(callbacks)); } OMX_ERRORTYPE ChagallOMXPlugin::destroyComponentInstance( OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *component) { if (mLibHandle == NULL) { ALOGE("destroyComponentInstance: mLibHandle = NULL"); return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return (*mFreeHandle)(reinterpret_cast<OMX_HANDLETYPE *>(component)); } OMX_ERRORTYPE ChagallOMXPlugin::enumerateComponents( OMX_STRING name, size_t size, OMX_U32 index) { if (mLibHandle == NULL) { ALOGE("enumerateComponents: mLibHandle = NULL"); return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return (*mComponentNameEnum)(name, size, index); } OMX_ERRORTYPE ChagallOMXPlugin::getRolesOfComponent( const char *name, Vector<String8> *roles) { roles->clear(); if (mLibHandle == NULL) { ALOGE("getRolesOfComponent: mLibHandle = NULL"); return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } OMX_U32 numRoles; OMX_ERRORTYPE err = (*mGetRolesOfComponentHandle)( const_cast<OMX_STRING>(name), &numRoles, NULL); ALOGD("Name %s, roles %d", name, (int)numRoles); if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) { ALOGE("mGetRolesOfComponentHandle: err %d", err); return err; } if (numRoles > 0) { OMX_U8 **array = new OMX_U8 *[numRoles]; for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < numRoles; ++i) { array[i] = new OMX_U8[OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE]; } OMX_U32 numRoles2; err = (*mGetRolesOfComponentHandle)( const_cast<OMX_STRING>(name), &numRoles2, array); if (err == OMX_ErrorNone && numRoles != numRoles2) { ALOGE("mGetRolesOfComponentHandle: numRoles %d != numRoles2 %d", (int)numRoles, (int)numRoles2); err = OMX_ErrorUndefined; } for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < numRoles; ++i) { if (err == OMX_ErrorNone) { String8 s((const char *)array[i]); roles->push(s); } delete[] array[i]; array[i] = NULL; } delete[] array; array = NULL; } return err; } } // namespace android
#ifndef CHAGALL_OMX_PLUGIN_H_ #define CHAGALL_OMX_PLUGIN_H_ #include <OMXPluginBase.h> namespace android { struct ChagallOMXPlugin : public OMXPluginBase { ChagallOMXPlugin(); virtual ~ChagallOMXPlugin(); virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE makeComponentInstance( const char *name, const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE *callbacks, OMX_PTR appData, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE **component); virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE destroyComponentInstance( OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *component); virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE enumerateComponents( OMX_STRING name, size_t size, OMX_U32 index); virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE getRolesOfComponent( const char *name, Vector<String8> *roles); private: void *mLibHandle; typedef OMX_ERRORTYPE (*InitFunc)(); typedef OMX_ERRORTYPE (*DeinitFunc)(); typedef OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ComponentNameEnumFunc)( OMX_STRING, OMX_U32, OMX_U32); typedef OMX_ERRORTYPE (*GetHandleFunc)( OMX_HANDLETYPE *, OMX_STRING, OMX_PTR, OMX_CALLBACKTYPE *); typedef OMX_ERRORTYPE (*FreeHandleFunc)(OMX_HANDLETYPE *); typedef OMX_ERRORTYPE (*GetRolesOfComponentFunc)( OMX_STRING, OMX_U32 *, OMX_U8 **); InitFunc mInit; DeinitFunc mDeinit; ComponentNameEnumFunc mComponentNameEnum; GetHandleFunc mGetHandle; FreeHandleFunc mFreeHandle; GetRolesOfComponentFunc mGetRolesOfComponentHandle; ChagallOMXPlugin(const ChagallOMXPlugin &); ChagallOMXPlugin &operator=(const ChagallOMXPlugin &); }; } // namespace android #endif // CHAGALL_OMX_PLUGIN_H_